Grace Baptist Church, Ruston, LA
We are a local body of justified saints whose purpose is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ through the preaching of God’s Gospel, the singing of Scriptural hymns, and the reading of His holy Word. The Gospel we boldly preach and believe sets forth God’s sovereign purpose as a Triune God to glorify and honor Himself through the salvation of His elect as “a Just God and a Saviour”, exalt the Lord Jesus as the ONLY SAVIOUR of sinners, and exclude all boasting in sinners. This is accomplished through the preaching of Christ’s accomplished death at Calvary on behalf of those He represented as the ONLY CAUSE and HOPE of their salvation- Romans 3:24
The fellowship of saints at Grace Baptist Church of Ruston Louisiana would like to extend a warm welcome to you on your visit to our website. Our hope and prayer is that our Sovereign, Omnipotent, Eternal, Unchanging God would be pleased to use the information we have posted here for His glory, your good, and the advancement of His kingdom. Your feedback on what you find here would be greatly appreciated.
Pastor Richard Warmack
If you are in the Ruston area, we invite you to attend. Our times of worship are:
Pastor: Richard Warmack
Grace Baptist Church
2808 North Trenton
Ruston LA 71270
Telephone: (318) 245-9396
Click here for map to our church building
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Boldly Proclaiming God's Sovereign Grace